Dataset File
Dataset proposed in the paper Kolisch, R. and A. Sprecher (1996): PSPLIB - A project scheduling library, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 96,pp. 205--216.
Number of instances
Set statistics:
Number of instances: 600
- Solved (exact proc.): 300 (50.00%)
- Closed (LB=UB): 310 (51.67%)
- Open (LB<UB): 290 (48.33%)
Average deviation over CPM:
- Lower bound: 24.98%
- Upper bound: 28.96%
Sum of lower bounds: 70920
Sum of upper bounds: 73196
Open time units: 2276 (3.21%)
Avg CPU lower bounds: 929.271s (max 37758.000s)
Avg CPU upper bounds: 322.986s (max 37758.000s)
Avg CPU optimal sol.: 482.410s (max 37758.000s)
Reference 4:
- Lower bounds: 60 (10.00%)
- Upper bounds: 4 (0.67%)
- Optimal solutions: 28 (4.67%)
Reference 3:
- Upper bounds: 265 (44.17%)
Reference 10:
- Lower bounds: 86 (14.33%)
- Upper bounds: 128 (21.33%)
- Optimal solutions: 81 (13.50%)
Reference 2:
- Lower bounds: 55 (9.17%)
Reference 7:
- Lower bounds: 90 (15.00%)
- Upper bounds: 135 (22.50%)
- Optimal solutions: 136 (22.67%)
Reference 1:
- Upper bounds: 56 (9.33%)
- Optimal solutions: 55 (9.17%)
Reference 5:
- Lower bounds: 109 (18.17%)
Reference 9:
- Upper bounds: 10 (1.67%)
Reference 8:
- Upper bounds: 2 (0.33%)
Reference 6:
- Lower bounds: 5 (0.83%)
Number of instances: 600
- Solved (exact proc.): 300 (50.00%)
- Closed (LB=UB): 310 (51.67%)
- Open (LB<UB): 290 (48.33%)
Average deviation over CPM:
- Lower bound: 24.98%
- Upper bound: 28.96%
Sum of lower bounds: 70920
Sum of upper bounds: 73196
Open time units: 2276 (3.21%)
Avg CPU lower bounds: 929.271s (max 37758.000s)
Avg CPU upper bounds: 322.986s (max 37758.000s)
Avg CPU optimal sol.: 482.410s (max 37758.000s)
Reference 4:
- Lower bounds: 60 (10.00%)
- Upper bounds: 4 (0.67%)
- Optimal solutions: 28 (4.67%)
Reference 3:
- Upper bounds: 265 (44.17%)
Reference 10:
- Lower bounds: 86 (14.33%)
- Upper bounds: 128 (21.33%)
- Optimal solutions: 81 (13.50%)
Reference 2:
- Lower bounds: 55 (9.17%)
Reference 7:
- Lower bounds: 90 (15.00%)
- Upper bounds: 135 (22.50%)
- Optimal solutions: 136 (22.67%)
Reference 1:
- Upper bounds: 56 (9.33%)
- Optimal solutions: 55 (9.17%)
Reference 5:
- Lower bounds: 109 (18.17%)
Reference 9:
- Upper bounds: 10 (1.67%)
Reference 8:
- Upper bounds: 2 (0.33%)
Reference 6:
- Lower bounds: 5 (0.83%)
Record sets:
Author(s); Demeulemeester, E. and Herroelen, W.
Reference; Demeulemeester, E. and Herroelen, W. (1992). A branch-and-bound procedure for the multiple resource-constrained project scheduling problem. Management Science, 38:1803-1818.
Date; 1992/01/01
Hardware / software; Stevin Supercomputer Infrastructure, C++, compiler intel/2017.02, Linux
Stop criteria(s);1h
Submission date; 2017/5/20
Author(s); Klein, R. and Scholl, A.
Reference;Klein, R. and Scholl, A. (1999). Computing lower bounds by destructive improvement: An application to resource-constrained project scheduling. European Journal of Operational Research, 112:322?346
Date; 1999/01/01
Hardware / software; i7, 16GB, 2GHz, C++, Visual Studio 2015 (x64), Windows 10
Stop criteria;none
Submission date; 2016/01/01
Author(s); Debels, D. and Vanhoucke, M.
Reference; Debels, D. and Vanhoucke, M. (2007). A decomposition-based genetic algorithm for the resource-constrained project scheduling problems. Operations Research, 55:457-469.
Date; 2007/01/01
Hardware / software; Stevin Supercomputer Infrastructure, C++, compiler intel/2017.02, Linux
Stop criteria;cumulated results from several runs, on open instances only. Maximal run: 1000 runs x 500k schedules
Submission date; 2017/5/21
Author(s);Schutt, A., Feydy, T., Stuckey, P.J., Wallace, M.G.
Reference;"Schutt, A., Feydy, T., Stuckey, P.J., Wallace, M.G. (2011) ""Explaining the cumulative propagator"". Constraints 16: 250."
Date; 2011/07/01
Hardware / software;X86-64 architecture running GNU/Linux and a Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E54052 processor with 2 GHz. Code in Mercury using the G12 Constraint Programming Platform
Stop criteria(s);10 min, results reported in the paper as new results at the time of publication
Submission date; 2019/10/28
Author(s);Petr Vil?m
Reference;Vil?m, P. (2011). Timetable Edge Finding Filtering Algorithm for Discrete Cumulative Resources. International Conference on AI and OR Techniques in Constriant Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, 16.
Hardware / software;Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T9400 on 2.53GHz
Stop criteria;time limit for each improvement step is 60 seconds
Submission date;2021
Author(s);Haouari, M., Kooli, A., Nron, E., & Carlier, J.
Reference;Haouari, M., Kooli, A., Nron, E., & Carlier, J. (2014). A preemptive bound for the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem. Journal of Scheduling, 17(3), 237248.
Hardware / software;Pentium IV 3.0 GHz Personal Computer with 1 GB RAM. We used CPLEX 11 for solving the LPs
Stop criteria
Submission date;2021
Author(s); Coelho, J. and Vanhoucke, M.
Reference;"Coelho, Jose, Vanhoucke, Mario. 2018. ""An exact composite lower bound strategy for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem"", Computers & Operations Research 93, 1: 135 - 150. doi: 10.1016/j.cor.2018.01.017"
Date; 2017/06/01
Hardware / software; STEVIN HPC-UGent infrastructure, C++, compiler intel/2017.02, Linux
Stop criteria(s);Best results from all runs, with maximal run time of 1h
Submission date; 2017/12/31
Author(s);Mario Vanhoucke and Jos Coelho
Reference;Vanhoucke, M., Coelho, J. (to appear). Reducing the feasible solution space of resource-constrained project instances
Date;to appear
"Hardware / software ";Stevin Supercomputer Infrastructure, C++, compiler intel / 2017.02, Linux
Stop criteria(s); 500000 schedules
Submission date; 2024/01/01
Author(s);Vanhoucke, M. and Coelho, J.
Reference;"working paper ""A matheuristic for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem"""
Hardware / software; STEVIN HPC-UGent infrastructure, C++, compiler intel/2017.02, Linux
Stop criteria(s);Best results from all runs
Submission date; 2024/04/08
Author(s);PSPLIB report
Reference;Check PSPLIB website:
Date; 1999/01/01
Hardware / software;Not reported
Stop criteria;Results reported from several authors, UBs, LBs and optimal runs
Submission date;28/05/2024
Author(s); Demeulemeester, E. and Herroelen, W.
Reference; Demeulemeester, E. and Herroelen, W. (1992). A branch-and-bound procedure for the multiple resource-constrained project scheduling problem. Management Science, 38:1803-1818.
Date; 1992/01/01
Hardware / software; Stevin Supercomputer Infrastructure, C++, compiler intel/2017.02, Linux
Stop criteria(s);1h
Submission date; 2017/5/20
Author(s); Klein, R. and Scholl, A.
Reference;Klein, R. and Scholl, A. (1999). Computing lower bounds by destructive improvement: An application to resource-constrained project scheduling. European Journal of Operational Research, 112:322?346
Date; 1999/01/01
Hardware / software; i7, 16GB, 2GHz, C++, Visual Studio 2015 (x64), Windows 10
Stop criteria;none
Submission date; 2016/01/01
Author(s); Debels, D. and Vanhoucke, M.
Reference; Debels, D. and Vanhoucke, M. (2007). A decomposition-based genetic algorithm for the resource-constrained project scheduling problems. Operations Research, 55:457-469.
Date; 2007/01/01
Hardware / software; Stevin Supercomputer Infrastructure, C++, compiler intel/2017.02, Linux
Stop criteria;cumulated results from several runs, on open instances only. Maximal run: 1000 runs x 500k schedules
Submission date; 2017/5/21
Author(s);Schutt, A., Feydy, T., Stuckey, P.J., Wallace, M.G.
Reference;"Schutt, A., Feydy, T., Stuckey, P.J., Wallace, M.G. (2011) ""Explaining the cumulative propagator"". Constraints 16: 250."
Date; 2011/07/01
Hardware / software;X86-64 architecture running GNU/Linux and a Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E54052 processor with 2 GHz. Code in Mercury using the G12 Constraint Programming Platform
Stop criteria(s);10 min, results reported in the paper as new results at the time of publication
Submission date; 2019/10/28
Author(s);Petr Vil?m
Reference;Vil?m, P. (2011). Timetable Edge Finding Filtering Algorithm for Discrete Cumulative Resources. International Conference on AI and OR Techniques in Constriant Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, 16.
Hardware / software;Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T9400 on 2.53GHz
Stop criteria;time limit for each improvement step is 60 seconds
Submission date;2021
Author(s);Haouari, M., Kooli, A., Nron, E., & Carlier, J.
Reference;Haouari, M., Kooli, A., Nron, E., & Carlier, J. (2014). A preemptive bound for the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem. Journal of Scheduling, 17(3), 237248.
Hardware / software;Pentium IV 3.0 GHz Personal Computer with 1 GB RAM. We used CPLEX 11 for solving the LPs
Stop criteria
Submission date;2021
Author(s); Coelho, J. and Vanhoucke, M.
Reference;"Coelho, Jose, Vanhoucke, Mario. 2018. ""An exact composite lower bound strategy for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem"", Computers & Operations Research 93, 1: 135 - 150. doi: 10.1016/j.cor.2018.01.017"
Date; 2017/06/01
Hardware / software; STEVIN HPC-UGent infrastructure, C++, compiler intel/2017.02, Linux
Stop criteria(s);Best results from all runs, with maximal run time of 1h
Submission date; 2017/12/31
Author(s);Mario Vanhoucke and Jos Coelho
Reference;Vanhoucke, M., Coelho, J. (to appear). Reducing the feasible solution space of resource-constrained project instances
Date;to appear
"Hardware / software ";Stevin Supercomputer Infrastructure, C++, compiler intel / 2017.02, Linux
Stop criteria(s); 500000 schedules
Submission date; 2024/01/01
Author(s);Vanhoucke, M. and Coelho, J.
Reference;"working paper ""A matheuristic for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem"""
Hardware / software; STEVIN HPC-UGent infrastructure, C++, compiler intel/2017.02, Linux
Stop criteria(s);Best results from all runs
Submission date; 2024/04/08
Author(s);PSPLIB report
Reference;Check PSPLIB website:
Date; 1999/01/01
Hardware / software;Not reported
Stop criteria;Results reported from several authors, UBs, LBs and optimal runs
Submission date;28/05/2024
Relevant Results
Best Known Solutions
Original Instances
File Header
Description;Dataset proposed in the paper Kolisch, R. and A. Sprecher (1996): PSPLIB - A project scheduling library, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 96,pp. 205--216.
Description;Dataset proposed in the paper Kolisch, R. and A. Sprecher (1996): PSPLIB - A project scheduling library, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 96,pp. 205--216.