Results File
File Header

Author(s):Haouari, M., Kooli, A., Nron, E., & Carlier, J.
Reference:Haouari, M., Kooli, A., Nron, E., & Carlier, J. (2014). A preemptive bound for the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem. Journal of Scheduling, 17(3), 237248. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10951-013-0354-9
Hardware / software:Pentium IV 3.0 GHz Personal Computer with 1 GB RAM. We used CPLEX 11 for solving the LPs
Stop criteria
Submission date:2021

New results:
5 new lower bounds
5 open instances updates (upper and lower bounds)
Results saved in sites/default/files/datasets/J120.csv
BKS saved in sites/default/files/datasets/J120_BKS.csv
Instances: 5
Lower Bounds: 5
- Average deviations:
- over CPM: 35.43%
- below best LB: 0.00%
- below best UB: 5.46%
- Best Known: 5 (100.00%)
- Closed (using best UBs): 0 (0.00%)
- Sum of time units: 654
- Open time units:
- to LBs: 0 (0.00%)
- to UBs: 41 (5.90%)