
Dataset File

Dataset proposed in the paper Vanhoucke, M., Coelho, J., and Batselier, J. (2016). An overview of project data for integrated project management and control. Journal of Modern Project Management, 3(2):621.

Number of instances
Set statistics:
Number of instances: 480
- Solved (exact proc.): 98 (20.42%)
- Closed (LB=UB): 133 (27.71%)
- Open (LB<UB): 347 (72.29%)
Average deviation over CPM:
- Lower bound: 927.17%
- Upper bound: 956.49%
Sum of lower bounds: 318560
Sum of upper bounds: 328404
Open time units: 9844 (3.09%)
Avg CPU lower bounds: 502.620s (max 3601.370s)
Avg CPU upper bounds: 78.001s (max 3617.410s)
Avg CPU optimal sol.: 6.183s (max 2809.460s)
Reference 3:
- Upper bounds: 392 (81.67%)
Reference 6:
- Lower bounds: 26 (5.42%)
- Upper bounds: 9 (1.88%)
- Optimal solutions: 32 (6.67%)
Reference 5:
- Lower bounds: 111 (23.12%)
Reference 7:
- Upper bounds: 22 (4.58%)
- Optimal solutions: 1 (0.21%)
Reference 4:
- Lower bounds: 68 (14.17%)
- Optimal solutions: 18 (3.75%)
Reference 2:
- Lower bounds: 56 (11.67%)
Reference 1:
- Lower bounds: 47 (9.79%)
- Upper bounds: 31 (6.46%)
- Optimal solutions: 47 (9.79%)
Record sets:
Author(s); Demeulemeester, E. and Herroelen, W.
Reference; Demeulemeester, E. and Herroelen, W. (1992). A branch-and-bound procedure for the multiple resource-constrained project scheduling problem. Management Science, 38:1803-1818.
Date; 1992/01/01
Hardware / software; Stevin Supercomputer Infrastructure, C++, compiler intel/2017.02, Linux
Stop criteria; 3600 second(s)
Submission date; 2017/5/20
Author(s); Klein, R. and Scholl, A.
Reference;Klein, R. and Scholl, A. (1999). Computing lower bounds by destructive improvement: An application to resource-constrained project scheduling. European Journal of Operational Research, 112:322?346
Date; 1999/01/01
Hardware / software; i7, 16GB, 2GHz, C++, Visual Studio 2015 (x64), Windows 10
Stop criteria;none
Submission date; 2016/01/01
Author(s); Debels, D. and Vanhoucke, M.
Reference; Debels, D. and Vanhoucke, M. (2007). A decomposition-based genetic algorithm for the resource-constrained project scheduling problems. Operations Research, 55:457-469.
Date; 2007/01/01
Hardware / software; Stevin Supercomputer Infrastructure, C++, compiler intel/2017.02, Linux
Stop criteria;cumulated results from several runs, on open instances only. Maximal run: 100 runs x 500k schedules
Submission date; 2017/5/21
Author(s); Coelho, J. and Vanhoucke, M.
Reference;"Coelho, Jose, Vanhoucke, Mario. 2018. ""An exact composite lower bound strategy for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem"", Computers & Operations Research 93, 1: 135 - 150. doi: 10.1016/j.cor.2018.01.017"
Date; 2018/05/01
Hardware / software; STEVIN HPC-UGent infrastructure, C++, compiler intel/2017.02, Linux
Stop criteria;Result of several runs done in the paper, maximal time of 1 hour, UBs, LBs and OPT solutions.
Submission date; 2018/1/7
Author(s);Laborie, P.
Reference; Laborie, P. (2023). Fast lower-bounds for scheduling problems in LocalSolver. ROADEF 2023 (in French)
Date; 2023/07/03
Hardware/software; Intel i7-12700H, 2,3 GHz, 14 cores, 20 threads, 32Go RAM
Stop criteria; 60 second(s)
Submission date; 2023/07/03
Author(s); Coelho, Jose and Vanhoucke, Mario
Reference; Coelho, Jose and Vanhoucke, Mario. 2024. Working paper 'Comparing and extending satisfiability solution methods for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem'
Date; 2024/10/20
Hardware / software; STEVIN HPC-UGent infrastructure, C++, compiler intel/2017.02, Linux
Stop criteria(s);Several procedures and stop criteria, the last one with 20 hours.
Submission date; 2024/10/20
Author(s);Leon Lan and Joost Berkhout
Reference;Leon Lan and Joost Berkhout (2025). PyJobShop: Solving scheduling problems with constraint programming in Python
Hardware / software;AMD EPYC 7H12 8 cores / Python 3.12.0 / OR-Tools CP SAT v9.11 / IBM ILOG CP Optimizer v22.1.1
Stop criteria;900 seconds
Submission date;2025/02
File Header
Description;Dataset proposed in the paper Vanhoucke, M., Coelho, J., and Batselier, J. (2016). An overview of project data for integrated project management and control. Journal of Modern Project Management, 3(2):621.
Author(s);Leon Lan and Joost Berkhout
Reference;Leon Lan and Joost Berkhout (2025). PyJobShop: Solving scheduling problems with constraint programming in Python
Hardware / software;AMD EPYC 7H12 8 cores / Python 3.12.0 / OR-Tools CP SAT v9.11 / IBM ILOG CP Optimizer v22.1.1
Stop criteria;900 seconds
Submission date;2025/02