
Results File
Nothing changed since there are no new lower bounds, upper bounds nor optimal solutions.
Instances: 9
Optimal results: 2 (22.22%)
Upper Bounds: 9
- Average deviations:
- over CPM: 55.69%
- over best LB: 5.35%
- over best UB: 0.00%
- Best Known: 9 (100.00%)
- Closed (using best LBs): 2 (22.22%)
- Sum of time units: 370
- Open time units:
- to LBs: 19 (5.41%)
- to UBs: 0 (0.00%)
Lower Bounds: 2
- Average deviations:
- over CPM: 50.00%
- below best LB: 0.00%
- below best UB: 0.00%
- Best Known: 2 (22.22%)
- Closed (using best UBs): 2 (22.22%)
- Sum of time units: 75