Results File
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Author(s):Vanhoucke, M. and Coelho, J.
Date: 2024/01/01
Hardware / software: STEVIN HPC-UGent infrastructure, C++, compiler intel/2017.02, Linux
Stop criteria(s):Best found value of the GA, SS, EM procedure with 500,000 schedules using 100 runs. This value can be considered as the best UB that can be found with these procedures. These are the values reported in the RCPLIB file.
Submission date: 2024/01/01

Nothing changed since there are no new lower bounds, upper bounds nor optimal solutions.
Instances: 720
Upper Bounds: 720
- Average deviations:
- over CPM: 274.18%
- over best LB: 0.79%
- over best UB: 0.08%
- Best Known: 648 (90.00%)
- Closed (using best LBs): 561 (77.92%)
- Sum of time units: 131079
- Open time units:
- to LBs: 1021 (0.79%)
- to UBs: 89 (0.07%)